L’Oreal Professional Products



This is a permanent, full coverage colour for white hair or fashion shades. It can be used to create both natural, or vivid fashion forward looks.



This can be used upon request, or under recommendation. It is an oil based, ammonia free permanent colour that creates softer, more multi-tonal results.


Gloss (Dia Richesse)

This blends up to 70% of white hairs. It is also great in adding shine, tones and depth to your hair.


k18 Bonding treatment

We highly recommend this fantastic treatment. The two step system aims to improve the condition of your hair, even when using bleach. Step 1 is sprayed into your hair, which protects your hairs natural bonds whilst the colour is processing. Then we apply Step 2 as a post-shampooing leave in mask, this rebuilds any previous damage your hair has. Step 2 is available to buy to take home. It is a fabulous weekly treatment that rebuilds your hair, protects it from heat and creates the most amazing shine!



Toners are used after a lightening service, and they close the hair cuticle. They are also used to neutralise unwanted brassiness, while adding lots of shine.